Thu. Feb 6th, 2025
How to take screenshots in Windows 10 like a proHow to take screenshots in Windows 10 like a pro

Windows 10 includes the ability to take screenshots of your computer screen. These screenshots can be very useful when you want to share something with other people, whether it’s information or the look of your display at a certain moment in time. If you’re using Windows 10, here’s how to take screenshots like a pro.

Basic Screenshot Instructions

Windows+PrtScn: This is the most basic way to take a screenshot on a Windows 10 device. The screen will briefly dim to indicate that a screenshot was just taken and it will be saved in the Screenshots folder inside of your default Pictures folder.

Alt+PrtScn: If you want to take a screenshot of only the currently active window, use this combination of keys. The image will be saved in the same location as above. Windows key + Volume down: As mentioned earlier, this is a quick way to capture the entire screen and save it to your computer’s clipboard. You can then paste it into an app such as Paint or Photoshop if you need to make edits before saving or sharing it.

4 Different Ways to Take Screenshots in Windows 10

Do you need to take a screenshot but don’t know how? In Windows 10, there are actually several ways to do it. Here is an overview of the four different methods:

1) Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard and paste the screen into an image editor.

2) Click Windows Key + Print Screen on your keyboard to capture a screenshot of the entire screen and save it as a file.

3) Use the Snipping Tool by clicking Win+X on your keyboard or searching for Snipping Tool in Start Menu.

4) Use OneNote by clicking Win+N on your keyboard or search for OneNote in Start Menu and click Screenshot with Pen (or press Ctrl+Shift+5).


The Print Screen Button

  1. Open the window that you want to capture and make sure it’s active.
  2. Press the Print Screen or PrtScn button on your keyboard.
  3.  Now open an image editing program (i.e., Microsoft Paint) and press Ctrl+V or Command+V to paste the screenshot onto a blank canvas.
  4. Crop any extraneous images from around the one you wish to save, then save it as a .jpg file with Screenshot (date) as the filename at maximum quality level for best results . You can also use third-party software such as Snagit or Camtasia if desired.

Snipping Tool

If you want to take a screenshot of an active window, you can use the Snipping Tool. To open the Snipping Tool, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Snipping Tool. In the Snipping Tool, click the down arrow next to New and select Window Snip. This will allow you to select an active window on your screen. Once you’ve selected the window, it will appear in the Snipping Tool window error.

Alt + PrtScr

Most people know that they can take a screenshot by pressing the Print Screen (PrtScn) key on their keyboard. But did you know that there’s a more powerful way to take screenshots in Windows 10? By using the Snipping Tool, you can capture an area of your screen, an active window, or just about anything else on your screen. You’ll find it in your Start menu under All Apps > Accessories > Snipping Tool or type snipping tool into the Cortana search bar.

Compose Key

If you want to be able to take screenshots like a boss in Windows 10, then you need to know about the compose key. With the compose key, you can press multiple keys at once to create complex symbols and characters. Plus, it can also be used to create shortcuts for taking screenshots. Here’s how you can use the compose key to take screenshots in Windows 10

1) Open up the Start menu and click on ‘Ease of Access

2) Click on ‘Make it easier to see text or objects on your screen’

3) In the box that pops up, turn off ‘Turn on Easy overlay’

4) Click ok


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